Primary School Memories

By Oscar Ochieng Primary school life is one of the most fresh memories that keeps on roaming across my mind. I joined primary school in the year 2005 after being in a nursery school for only one year. I started schooling at Barchando primary school located within North Sakwa location in Bondo sub county,Siaya county. My first two years at Barchando were very smooth and fine until the year 2007 when I got promoted to class three. At this stage I almost dropped out of school. School was like hell to me. I remember it reached a point that I could even fake some headaches to avoid going to school. There's a day I hid my school shirt and the following morning we looked for it in every corner and it was never found. Well I knew where it was but I could not risk pointing it out because my mum was going to ask some questions which would definitely lead to a war breakout My plans however got ruined after my mum took out a new shirt which she kept in her room I guess as a "spare shir...